9 April 2019 | 3 MIN READ
Ethos has recently been working with Caspian Drilling Company (CDC) providing a safety culture survey and a series of ‘Focus’ safety training workshops for staff and contractors. The two-day focus workshops are designed to impart, develop and implement the skills, tools and mindset necessary to drive a proactive and incident-free safety culture.
Ethos Safety Coaches will conduct a total of 12 workshops.
During the 12 workshops delegates generated actions to address the following questions:
- How can management improve the way they respond to being told of unsafe acts?
- How can we improve the way we praise people for working safely?
- How can we improve our H.S.E. rules and procedures?
- How can we ensure people feel they can influence H.S.E. performance?
- How can we improve people’s personal appreciation of risk?
- How can we ensure everyone is given enough time to do the job safely?
- How can we ensure operational targets do not conflict with H.S.E measures?
- How can we ensure a positive approach is used to persuade people acting unsafely their behaviour is inappropriate?
“Delegates engaged very well and there was a high level of participation in the group exercises. Everyone showed an eagerness to learn and some personnel were keen to soak up as much knowledge as possible and requested additional resources to further study the subjects covered in the workshop.” - Tom J Keane, Coach
Training Evaluation
At the end of each Focus Workshop delegates are given to opportunity to fill out an anonymous online training evaluation form. The form asks delegates to rate the three key areas of the workshop, presentation, materials, and the trainers, as well as providing the opportunity for opinions to be voiced.
Delegates are asked to rate each area on a numeric scale from 1 – 6, 1 being poor and 6 being excellent.
Scores are then averaged to provide a final feedback score.

Delegate Comments
"I thought the whole course was good... and after doing the same course in the past for Santa Fe and GSF it was presented in a totally different way which was good."
"Facilitators were excellent at getting the group to engage in conversations."